057 The Young and The Diagnosed

What is Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease or YOPD? Are YOPD people experiences different than the majority who are diagnosis at a later stage in their lives? How do they manage all the other challenges and blessings that life offers while dealing with this progressive illness? How do you navigate life with the PD symptoms you are experiencing in an ever-changing environment?  We will answer these questions and more with an expert Movement Disorder Specialist, Dr. Sana Aslam, and an inspirational young woman living her best life with Parkinson’s. More information on YOPD visit: https://michaeljfox.org https://parkinson.org https://davisphinneyfoundation.org For Kim Morgan: @ahealthydoseofstyle  Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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2 thoughts on “057 The Young and The Diagnosed”

  1. I was really interested in this podcast because when I was diagnosed at the age of 51 I was told that I had YOPD. However, that was de3bunked in the opening of this podcast – the actual age for YOPD is 50 and younger! Nevertheless, I still feel that I was too young when I was diagnosed. I have now had it for 22 years…

  2. I find the 17 Branches podcasts beneficial in trying to understand the challenges that someone with PD experiences. The information you share helps me better support those I know with PD. Well done!

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