112 Owning Your Truth – a YOPD Story

Some of my favorite episodes are when we hear personal stories from people on the same journey as us. Every story is different but all of them can help us find our way, learn from each other and get motivated to live your best life. On today’s episode, I have a conversation with Lisa Volenec. She was diagnosed as young onset PD which is defined as diagnosed at age of less than 50. It is estimated that only about 10% of the PD population is diagnosed with young onset. However, we know this is growing due to many factors including pesticides and our diets. This is a growing concern for health policy and community support organizations.

Lisa represents this demographic. Still working at a TV station and under a lot of stress, you’ll hear how she navigated her disease and employment over the years. How she came to a place where she decided to “own her truth.” She will also open up about the decision to have DBS surgery and the outcomes from that.





Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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