081 Gene Therapy Explained

Gene therapy has been a previous topic on this podcast. However, it was from a neurosurgeon’s perspective. I continue to be very excited about the possibility’s gene therapy might have for modifying the effects of Parkinson’s disease – stopping the progression. My guest and the company he works for are on the cutting edge of gene therapy research.

In this episode, I speak with someone in the trenches of making this possibility into a reality. So, what is gene therapy? How is it different from stem cell replacement? Where are we on knowing more about this therapy in treating Parkinson’s disease? What are the next steps in the research? How can you help make this a reality? 

Let’s find out. Listen on. https://www.prevailtherapeutics.com/ https://www.dbsandme.com/content/DBS-Patient/us/en.html/  Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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