079 Fatigue

Have you ever felt completely exhausted or fatigued during the day? Does this happen frequently? Not sleepy but totally fatigued or tired. Well, this could be one of those non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease or a medication side effect or something else. Either way, it is really annoying and can affect our quality of life. We discuss fatigue with an expert on the topic during this episode. He tells us what science has discovered about the causes of fatigue and what has yet to be learned. Listen to find out the difference between fatigue and sleepiness as well as possible treatments and lifestyle changes that may help. We tried to keep the conversation lively, so no one gets bored and nods off during this episode. https://vivo.brown.edu/display/johfried   https://www.dbsandme.com/en.html Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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2 thoughts on “079 Fatigue”

  1. Interesting information on fatigue. Yet, to my understanding fatigue implies a lack of energy and all cellular functions are powered by mitochondria. In addition there is evidence that the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra is initiated by the degradation of mitochondria. Furthermore, exercise is known to restore mitochondria and increase their number in all cells. I am curious as to why more isn’t studied between the link of PD fatigue and mitochondria loss.

  2. This was very interesting and informative. I especially liked when Dr. Friedman differentiated between fatigue and lack of sleep.

    Sheryl, my congratulations to you. I have no idea where you find these people, but consistently your podcasts have highlighted people who are at the top in whatever it is you are discussing. And most of them have been very down to earth and understandable. Thanks.

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