075 PD Tech Part 1: Tech for your feet?

We are kicking off our tech series with this episode. Technology has changed the way we interact with the world over the last couple of decades. The pace of change keeps accelerating. We can ask a small box any question and get an answer within seconds. We can pay for items with our phones. The list goes on. However, the healthcare environment hasn’t really caught up to the other sectors when it comes to using tech to assist consumers/patients in improving their lives. We have definitely seen tech improvements when it comes to surgeries like DBS as well as machines used for imaging. Yet, not much for the consumer/patient experience. Well, we at the Parkinson’s Experience found four companies determined to change all of that for the Parkinson’s community. And, don’t worry, these episodes will be easy to understand no matter what your tech skills are. Like Tech 101.

Up first is a company called Walk With Path. They invented a device that fits on top of any shoe and emits a light for people to follow. It is proven to help people with gait, freezing and other walking issues. Also, they are in clinical trials for ‘smart’ insole for the shoe to help with balance and mobility problems. So, your shoe will be communicating information to an app on your phone. Wow. It’s high tech for your feet. Keep listening.



Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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