054 Social Security Disability Explained

Here at the Parkinson’s Experience, we try to cover every topic that may help even one person out there in podcast land. So, that includes not just the clinical or physical issues that can arise and not just the social and mental challenges that can be difficult but also the financial and work-related strains that can exist for people with a progressive neurological disease. That leads me to introducing this episode’s topic – Social Security Disability (SSD).  Because most Parkinson’s patients are over 65 years old, this topic might not be discussed much within support groups. However, understanding the who, what, where and why of SSD might be a vital lifeline for the younger crowd as they manage their PD journey.  Let’s chat with an attorney focused in this area to learn about this option and the process of applying.  We learned a lot, hope you do as well. http://www.injuredworker.com/ https://nosscr.org/ Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise Genus, a Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS system. To learn more about Parkinson’s treatment options, please visit DBSandMe.com.
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