How’s your handwriting? Has it worsened over time? Mine has. In fact, that was one of my first clues that I may have Parkinson’s. Small handwriting is a symptom of PD and it can be frustrating. It may also mean a decrease in hand strength. Legible handwriting is still very important skill and a source of pride. In this episode we speak with a person who is dedicated to helping PwP improve their handwriting through workshops and workbooks and a PwP who has taken the classes. In a matter of a few weeks, people will be able to read your writing again. Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise, a directional system Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS device. Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through meaningful innovation.

Very interesting. There are programs for everything. I would never have thought of mentioning my small, illegible handwriting to my neurologist, but I am going to now to see if she knows of any local programs that deal with this issue.
Thank you for an interesting podcast on micrographia. I was stimulated by the lady who was able to play the piano better with stronger hands after having taken the handwriting course. I stopped playing golf because my hands were weak and I could not grip the club very well. I was hoping Tom, a golfer, would mention that the course helped his finger strength for golf as well but he did not mention carry over to other activities. Overall, the podcast left me wanting to spend more time strengthening my hands!