Fatigue, daytime tiredness, sleepless nights are experiences by a lot of people. It has a significant impact on their quality of life. For PWP, there is a 78% they will experience fatigue. Today we will learn more about this non motor symptom from a Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon researching fatigue in PD and if DBS can help.
Thank you to my sponsor, Boston Scientific, the maker of Vercise, a directional system Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS device. Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through meaningful innovation.
As a person who has DBS, I was fascinated by Dr. Grewal’s comments. It is fascinating that they can put in another electrode and control sleep. I do not have that problem, but I wonder if they could go back into the brain of a DBS recipient (who is having a sleep problem) and put in a second electrode. I also wonder if they will be able to control speech (and other symptoms) in the same way eventually. This was great !!