My Mount Kilimanjaro

A friend of mine is training for a climb up Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.  It is 19,000 feat above sea level and takes 5-9 days to climb.  The view from the top will be amazing and transformative – probably almost a religious experience.  Her goal is set and the hard work of training for it

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Just Show Up

When I was working as a sales executive for a healthcare software company, I had a colleague who would give his team some invaluable advice on how to win over clients and close more deals.  He would tell them to “just show up.”  Could it be that simple?  Surprisingly, it can be.  Unfortunately, there are

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In Someone Else’s Shoes

Last week ended up being a thought-provoking week on the topic of judging people without knowing the individual.  I thought of the age-old idiom of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes before judging them.  As a society, we seem to be getting further away from this sentiment and are even quicker to judge based on

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