029 Super Smellers

As of today, there is still no objective test to diagnose Parkinson’s disease. While we wait for researchers to find a biomarker, there is an organization using dogs to sniff out and detect an odor associated with PD. Yep, you heard it right. The dogs are super smellers and can detect PD with a 90% […]

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026 Parkinson’s Fighters

There is a special place in Portland, OR where an enthusiastic, trained fitness coach built a gym dedicated to helping people with Parkinson’s. She calls the people she trains – Fighters.  That is very appropriate and sets the tone for what she expects from them. In one building they can take classes in drumming, singing,

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024 PwPs Best Friend

Did you know that a dog can be trained to help People with Parkinson’s? It’s true and amazing to learn about. When trained to service PD patients, the dogs can help with freezing, mobility, exercise, get help, fetch medications, push a wheelchair, protect and provide comfort. Most of all they help restore dignity, confidence and

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My Perfect Day

Recently, the newsletter for my community where I live asked me to describe my perfect day in my adopted hometown. I could use my imagination. Sounded like a fun exercise so I sat down and wrote the below. I thought I would share with all of you. What is your favorite day in the community

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